Smarter in the field.
Faster on every way.

Stay always on the fastest path with AI-driven tour planning and analysis that uses collected field data to adapt and offer the best possible solutions at all times. SmartWays can Increase efficiency, optimize your operations, and reduce the amount of time needed for administration and organization.

Objective-focused tour planning for any group of drivers globally
product desk
Map visualization of locations, drivers, fulfillment, and more
Automatic driver allocation and service region generation
Live progress and objective fulfillment tracking
AI-powered duration adaptation and driver performance analysis
product desk
Easily integratable into existing infrastructure. Get in touch!

Target for Success

Rethinking Fleet Force Tour Planning

Objective Planning

SmartWays offers highly dynamic objective-based planning: instead of just putting your orders into the system, you define objectives based on your operational targets. Three different kind of objectives are available right now:

to do

To-Do ObjectivesImport or create a list of to-dos that your drivers need to fulfill at one of your locations. Define expected work duration and priority one-by-one or all together. Assign your drivers to your to-dos manually or fully automated.


Coverage ObjectivesDefine a range of locations that your drivers should recurringly visit. Define the visit rhythm one-by-one or based on the individual locations grading. Let your unavailable drivers be ideally replaced automatically.


Pickup & Delivery ObjectivesDefine generic or specific items and depots for your operation. Import or create delivery orders. Let your drivers find the most efficient way to pick-up and deliver your whole request simultaneously.

Objective Prioritization and Forecast

Not all objectives might be equally valuable at any point of time in your operation. SmartWays allows you to manually prioritize different objectives accordingly. To help you understand the impact of any defined objective, forecasts can be generated with the click of a button.

The World in Your Hands

Unprecedented Mapping Tools

Mapping Visualization

Use the omnipresent world map to visualize your imported locations and specific mappings. Let them be colored by your driver’s service areas, customer clusters, gradings, live fulfillment status, and much more. Highlight your driver’s travel ranges based on real-world geography and infrastructure.

Selection and Painting

Understand your mappings better by mass-selecting a range of locations on the map to analyze them. Use the painting tool to conveniently paint your driver’s service regions directly on the locations.

Automatic Zoning and Allocation

If you do not want to assign your driver’s service zones manually with the brush tool, you can use our auto-zoning tool to generate them automatically, with a few clicks. If you actually do not know yet where to look for drivers, use the auto-allocation tool to find the perfect spot.

Going the extra Mile

Advanced features and integration

AI Parameter

Every tour optimization solution is only as good as the assumptions it thrives from. SmartWays can continously track divergences between its time duration assumptions and real world execution.

AI Performance

Applying incentives by finding low but also high performing drivers can lead to an increase of overall driver satisfaction. SmartWays can adapt to drivers-specific working or driving speed over time.


If your drivers have regular or irregular homeworking times, you can set them directly in SmartWays. Having access to the real working times of drivers greatly increases planning effectiveness.


We tried to create the most versatile yet effective tour planning solution. Still, if you have special requirements or want to integrate SmartWays into your existing infrastructure, just get in touch!

Planning Smart

We’ll help you get started

Our retail, field force and technology experts will gladly try to answer every question and demonstrate every aspect of our system to you. Contact us directly to schedule a call.

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